Development Of Interactive Virtual Tour 360º Using Uptale at PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam

  • Aditya Pratama Politeknik Negri Batam
  • Heppy Yugo Prasetiya Politeknik Negeri Batam


PT.Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam or also known as SEMB has a 360º virtual tour which is quite good by only using 360-based video, there is a note that a virtual tour previously existed but is no longer accessible and the virtual tour still uses old software where on this occasion the development was carried out using a new device and replacing the platform that previously used 3D Vista to become Uptale and using hybrid innovation using photos and videos based on 360° which can provide an updated experience in using the SEMB virtual tour

            360º virtual tour research on SEMB PEM will use the Villamil-Molina multimedia development method which has five main process stages in the form of development, pre-production, production, post-production, and delivery. Then the results of the SEMB virtual tour development product will go through the stages of usability analysis to measure how big is the level of usability using the System Usability Scale (SUS) analysis method. The use of SUS analysis has the goal of determining whether the SEMB virtual tour meets the standards or not.

            This research can be drawn into several conclusions, namely: (1) This SEMB virtual tour development product has a platform update, namely Uptale with the development of interactivity, increasing the number of location points, and increasing video information on certain Hotspots. (2) Based on the analysis using the System Usability Scale method, results that enter the B (Good) range enter the acceptable category with a value of 80

How to Cite
PRATAMA, Aditya; PRASETIYA, Heppy Yugo. Development Of Interactive Virtual Tour 360º Using Uptale at PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 26 - 35, aug. 2024. ISSN 2548-6853. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 nov. 2024. doi:

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